How do I install the Surface Drain Inlet with Grate (FWSD69) if my Flo-Well is more than 8” below the surface?


How do I install the Surface Drain Inlet with Grate (FWSD69) if my Flo-Well is more than 8” below the surface?

How do I install the Surface Drain Inlet with Grate (FWSD69) if my Flo-Well is more than 8” below the surface?

NDS part #3P12 will need to be inserted into the Flo-Well Cover with the 4” fitting end facing up. Insert a section of 4” SDR 35 to the fitting in the cover and connect a second #3P12 to the top of the pipe. The Surface Drain Inlet will need to be glued to the #3P12 with Welder contact adhesive by Homax Products, Inc.